Date Your Ideas, Marry the Solutions then Get a Divorce

Olugbenga Ojuroye
10 min readOct 29, 2018

Photo by Alisha Hieb on Unsplash

The Mystery of a Good Problem

The key drivers of change in any economy are problems.
Problems can be in the form of pain, discomfort, difficulty, complexity, sadness and other things that indicate a negative emotion to the human being.

Nobody wants a problem.

Problems by nature attract the need for a solution. This drive to provide solutions is the key to human purpose on the earth. Without problems, there will be no jobs, no companies, technology will still be in the stone age and world population will be in the lower end of the stick.

There are enough problems to go around. Which means everyone has the ability to make a living by solving one at a time. You don’t have to eradicate the problem totally to add value to the world. Ordinarily, unbundling a complex problem into simpler problems is a good solution.

This is why problems are good.

Without problems life as we know it wouldn’t exist.



Olugbenga Ojuroye

Olugbenga is a writer who explores various topics in Christianity. Pick up his latest book, “Finding Eden - Devotional” on Amazon!